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Download link - R. Hersent et al., "106-GHz bandwidth InP DHBT linear driver with a 3-Vppdiff swing at 80 GBd in PAM-4," in Electronics Letters, vol. 56, no. 14, pp. 691-693, 9 7 2020, doi: 10.1049/el.2020.0654;
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Download link - Marco Quagliotti, Laura Serra, Annachiara Pagano, Panos Groumas, Paraskevas Bakopoulos and Hercules Avramopoulos “Disaggregation and Cloudification of Metropolitan Area Networks: enabling technologies and impact on Architecture, Cost and Power Consumption [Invited]” submitted in Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (under review)
- R. Hersent et al., "Design, modelling and characterization of a 3-Vppd 90-GBaud over-110-GHz-bandwidth linear driver in 0.5-μm InP DHBTs for optical communications," 2021 BCICT Symposium Proceeding, Monterey, CA, USA, 2021
Download link - Ute Troppenz et al., "Uncooled 100 GBd O-Band EML for Datacom Transmitter Arrays" in OFC2022, San Diego, California, USA Download link
- R. Hersent and A. Konczykowska, “Recent advances in high-speed and large-swing integrated circuits implemented in InGaAs and GaAsSb InP DHBT for terabit-class optical communications” in ESSCIRC ESSDERC Educational Events, September 21, 2021, France doi: 10.48448/yczn-9089 Download link